In a recent interview with radio program cum music site the Alternative, Sinai Vessel founder and front man Caleb Cordes said his band’s brand-new full-length, Brokenlegged (Tiny Engines), is “about living with a new awareness and how that can alienate you from having contact with people who don’t have the same awareness.” Cordes, who’s written songs about falling out of step with evangelical Christendom, is speaking from a fairly liberal perspective, though in these divided times perhaps one of the few things that folks on different sides of the ideological divide can relate to is the use of language; alt-right brand manager Richard Spencer speaks with a similar tone to describe the “red pill” moment when he became a new-age white supremacist. But the similarities between Spencer and Cordes’s emo band end right there—as do the similarities between Spencer and a vast majority of the planet.…