Throughout its thirty-five years as a band, Eleventh Dream Day has regularly sprinkled its incendiary sets with carefully chosen covers of obscure and well-known rock songs. Since I started listening to them, I’ve accumulated many vivid memories, such as hearing them trace the seething rise and fall of the Dream Syndicate’s “Halloween,” embrace the idiotic hokum of Bachman Turner Overdrive’s “You Ain’t Seen Nothing’ Yet” (with singer Rick Rizzo’s masterfully replicating the song’s trademark stuttering chorus), and ripping like a buzzsaw through the Urinals’ punk masterpiece, “I’m a Bug.” But few of their covers say more about their prime inspiration than the music they’ve tackled by Neil Young, including mid-career material like 1981’s “Southern Pacific” and early classics such as his debut solo single, 1969’s “The Loner.” Tonight the band performs a full-album set of Zuma, one of Young’s greatest efforts, his 1975 album with Crazy Horse.…